推荐 Anaconda 傻瓜式安装,安装完后启动 Jupyter

直接在本地运行下载下来的 notebook 会有几个问题,提供下解决方案:

1. ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'


2. module could not be found 找不到雅达利 乒乓环境


  1. 卸载 gym and atari-py (If already installed):
    pip uninstall atari-py
    pip uninstall gym[atari]

  2. 下载 VS build 工具 : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=16

  3. 运行并选择 "C++ build tools"安装.

  4. 重启电脑

  5. 安装 cmake, atari-py and gym
    pip install cmake
    pip install atari-py
    pip install gym[atari]

  6. 跑一下测试:
    import atari_py
    如果成功会 print 下面

['adventure', 'air_raid', 'alien', 'amidar', 'assault', 'asterix', 'asteroids', 'atlantis', 'bank_heist', 'battle_zone', 'beam_rider', 'berzerk', 'bowling', 'boxing', 'breakout', 'carnival', 'centipede', 'chopper_command', 'crazy_climber', 'defender', 'demon_attack', 'double_dunk', 'elevator_action', 'enduro', 'fishing_derby', 'freeway', 'frostbite', 'gopher', 'gravitar', 'hero', 'ice_hockey', 'jamesbond', 'journey_escape', 'kaboom', 'kangaroo', 'krull', 'kung_fu_master', 'montezuma_revenge', 'ms_pacman', 'name_this_game', 'phoenix', 'pitfall', 'pong', 'pooyan', 'private_eye', 'qbert', 'riverraid', 'road_runner', 'robotank', 'seaquest', 'skiing', 'solaris', 'space_invaders', 'star_gunner', 'tennis', 'time_pilot', 'tutankham', 'up_n_down', 'venture', 'video_pinball', 'wizard_of_wor', 'yars_revenge', 'zaxxon']

3. WRN Found non-empty CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES. But PARL found that Paddle was not complied with CUDA, which may cause issues. keneral dead

这个错误 Kernel 会挂掉,然后无限重启,主要是 检测到了电脑里的GPU, 但是没有安装 Cuda 导致的。 因为这里我们只使用 CPU 来跑,所以把 GPU 检测关闭就好了

import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"

I am a real pikachu!